Ananda 99 Contact Groups

“Contact groups” is an innovative idea Mr. Buddhika S. Gonaduwa came up with where our member base is split up into smaller groups of 4 to 5 or even more members with one or more “Group Leaders” per group who will be the main contact point to disseminate information to members of their groups.

The main idea started by collecting member information to create a database with contact details of all members. Then electing leaders to represent a group of other members who they generally keep in touch with to spread the word about group activities.

Well lets look at a few diagrams to get the idea…..

This is how things used to be done, where one member would try to communicate group or other activities to as many members as possible, where sometimes some members may not get the message. Also this is the conventional method used with SMS, Email and sometimes phone calls.

The figures below show how the new system would work.


This example shows two groups with a smaller subset of members where, Buddhika and Ashan will be responsible for making members of their groups aware of various activities.

This is a similar example to Figure 2.0 but while Buddhika is a Group Leader, he is also a member in Ashan's group, and will hopefully get information from Ashan aswell as the main person putting out information.

Also keep in mind that two or more people can be a Group Leader of the same group.


This example shows how one member such as say the 99 OBA President, Secretary or another member gives out information to the group leaders who intern spread the information to the members of their group.

Finally the group leaders can get back with the status or feedback of what was put out.

If you would be interested in becoming Group Leader, you can follow this tutorial (Website Communications Groups Create/View) to enable the feature for your account.

1 thought on “Ananda 99 Contact Groups”

  1. Great post Ishan. Let’s hope all our members get more active and use these tools to communicate effectively within the team as well as outside of the team.

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